Category Archives: the kid

Parenting tip # 493

Next time your kid asks if she can have a spoonful of whipped cream…


…specify how big a spoon she may use.

Happy Day After Your 16th Birthday, BratzBasher!

Let’s NOT talk about my wisdom teeth.

Except for this paragraph in which I’ll tell you that they’re now officially gone (all four of them), and I don’t remember any of the process (awesome).  I’ll also tell you that Merkin got the day off (officially — he still had to log in and work from home a bit), and has been taking very good care of me.  Then he brought BratzBasher home, and she cuddled with me and discussed silly things.  It made me feel better.  That and the drugs.   Mmm…drugs….  Add in the cold gel packs, and the swelling has almost completely gone down.  Also awesome.  So a few days of mashed potatoes, soup, and chocolate pudding should have me right as rain.

In the meantime, here’s a picture of some quilted star ornaments I made.  The one in the middle is from the first year I made them, but the other two are new this year, using scraps.  The one on the right has a cool spiral pattern that wraps all the way from front to back (as you can see in the second picture).  The one on the left has just one piece of fabric in the center and some rectangular pieces tucked into the second row of triangles to hide pins:


100_0218I had a couple of friends over for lessons on how to make these, and we had a great time chatting and folding and pinning.  If  you want directions for the spiral pattern, I’m planning on doing another one so I can document the steps.  It’s for the Purple Lady, so it’ll be in shades of purple.  That should make it easier to see the spirals.

I’m also crocheting a scarf out of Lion brand’s Homespun yarn for my grandmother.  It’s super soft yarn, but a bit difficult to work with, so it’s slow going.  I’m getting there, though.  Should have it done in plenty of time for Christmas.  The color I chose is “parfait” because she likes pink.  This is pink, but not overpoweringly so.  It should go with lots of different things.

homespun parfait yarn

I’m being eaten by a boa constrictor…

I finished a scarf for BratzBasher.  I asked her what animal she would like, and she said she wanted a snake.  That’s easy!


Ribbon tongue…button eyes…and it wraps around her neck three times.  I got a bit bored working in just the green for so long, but that’s what BB wanted.  Just green.  I think it turned out pretty cute.  She likes how warm and soft it is.  (For those of you interested in such things, I’ve been using Hobby Lobby’s “I Love This Yarn!”)

So this is what she does in her spare time.

I found a copy of Leonard Cohen’s “First We Take Manhattan” and played it for BratzBasher.  Being a connoisseur of various fandoms, she immediately thought of Loki from the Avengers movie.  A couple of days later, I caught her putting the following video together and decided I had to share it with y’all.

Please let us know what you think of it.  She just loves feedback.

I wouldn’t exactly call them “free”.

free punches in faceNo, really.

All the people I want to punch in the face have actually earned it.

I just wish people would stop picking on my kid, that’s all.